Working Daktronics: Day One
Before I get going today, I just want to cast out a big thank you for the friends who happened to be online the other day when I really needed someone to talk to. Each of you really boosted my spirits in your own special ways. Thank you.
Almost exactly 2 hours ago now, I got off work from my first day of work at Daktronics. An extreme schedule to be sure... in fact, I'm not sure I'll be able to write about it now, but Dad's going through his morning rutine already, so I won't be able to sleep yet anyway, right?
Well it started around 4... sort of. I arrived several minutes early, and discovered that they had already started cycling people through to have their picture taken for our ID badges (not that there were that many people yet... it was mostly college students after all).
After a lot of standing around in an increasingly crouded lobby, most of us were taken to some kind of conference/meeting room, where we waited some more
Eventually, everyone was there so they could start telling us about the company and all of there policies, safety regulations, and so forth.
Several hours later, I was led to the department where I would be working: Transportation. (no, I don't get to drive things around. We make displays that you'd see by the side of the road.) We arived just in time to take our first break.The atmosphere of the work envrinment was.... not really relaxed... but it felt more so than my last summer job. The orientation process is already over, I just have to keep showing up to my departnent and following directions until I've caught on well enough to work with the team without having to ask questions all the time .... not that I asked many... it all seemed fairly straight forward.
I also get to buy me some nice boots at half price 'tomorrow' (complements of Dak, because I'm a poor college student.) I'll get prescription safety glasses too, but that's not as exciting to me.
That's enough for now... I don't think I'll do this after work anymore... my brain shut down several times, and my spelling is icky..
G'night all, and God bless
I am not psychotic! I'm just doing what it takes to pay for college next year. And all anybody seems to want is people for the night shift... the best paying ones anyway.. That and my vow to never again work in food service.
~Kevin, at 18/5/05 5:25 AM
Hey this blog is not about adjustable mattress
I have been doing hours of research on "Ajustable-Bed" and it brought me to your blog on Working Daktronics: Day One. Anyways, ~Kevin I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.
Keep blogging away :-)
Anonymous, at 21/1/06 4:18 PM
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