Star Wars blew my mind... and heart (99.9% spoiler free!)
There was so much more emotion than I had expected......... Where do I even begin? (I miss Alicia..)
*** an hour lapses as Kevin watches the thunderstorm in another attmpt to gather his thoughts***It's been almost a week since i've talked to my girlfriend... Part of the movie helped me to remember how much I miss her, when (near the begining) Anikin reunites with Padme after a short mission (not telling!) ... I felt all gooie inside watching the two run up and hug eachother...
I've never gone this long without being able to at least call her... I wish she'd brought her cell phone... She and Amber, Kim, and Rachel are all visiting friend Laura in South Carolina (The lot of them all went to high school together in Madison) I thought I had Laura's cell number, but I kept getting a voice mail message in someone else's voice...
With the starting of my new job and adjusting to a new sleeping pattern, I hadn't really allowed myself time to think about it... I need an Alicia-hug.....
What really got to me in Revenge of the Sith, is the path that Anikin took to the Dark Side. (not a spoiler... we all know it was his cinimatic destiny) It was frightening just how easy it was to relate to him in what was happening... Put in his place, I would have struggled under the stress of it all too (I don't know who wouldn't...) I'd like to say that I'd have made different choices, but it would be really, really hard...
(Please note: I worked hard to keep this spoiler free. try to do the same with your comments, eh? Thanks!)
no, it's not the same, but it does help :)
~Kevin, at 21/5/05 8:06 PM
*huggles kevin and kisses his cheek* I miss you too, it's been so long since I was held in your arms. <3 I loved talking to you last night! It made me so happy.
Yours always,
Alicia Diaz
Ali, at 22/5/05 6:02 PM
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