I need to start seriosly excersizing my blogging skills so that someday, I might have a regular posting schedule.
I got to hear from Alicia only hours after my last post! It was so wonderful just to hear her voice again (n.n).
Oh! and my sister is finaly back home from college! And already she's out looking for a job of her own. (Any praying people out there, keep her in mind, eh?)
Since it's already starting to get light out, it's time to turn in... so I leave you with something I wrote in my journal last night when I tried and fialed to go to bed at a more reasonable hour...
I'm remembering constantly, that I've been meaning to blog about God putting me at Dak. I know that it was Him... It started with a prayer and a coin toss (x3). If they hadn't all come up tails, I would have taken it as a non-sign. Though, even at the time, I had my doubts... I felt much more sure about Him wanting me there, when it turned out that friend-Amanda got the job at Larson's that I turned down. It also turns out that I greatly prefer building electronic road signs to building doors; I have a natural aversion to electronic devices n.n There is also a big diference between building large objects and just producing large quantities of objects.... Oh! And building really big signs sometimes gives me the justification to climb on them a little! The job feels so much more suited to my .... my "me" that it has to have been more than simple coincidence that turned all three pennies up tails after my confused prayer for direction as to whitch job offer to accept.
Maybe I'll just copy and paste this into my blog tomorrow.... I could do it now... but I wanna do some reading before I pass out (which will hopefully be soon..)
I remember when you were deciding where to work. I wished to help you so much, but I also knew that I couldn't do anything for you but let you make the decision. I'm so glad that it is all turning out well for you. <3
Love you so very very much,
Ali, at 24/5/05 11:13 PM
Silly Christa... It's not about the coins that I flipped, but the God I asked to speak to me through them. I just couldn't think of another Sign that would be as easy for me to interprit. n_n;
Thank you for leaving it to me to decide how to decide! That was most helpful (and precicious) and highly appreciated
~Kevin, at 25/5/05 5:38 AM
*blush* your welcome <3
Ali, at 25/5/05 10:59 PM
I exist...unfortunate as that be for others around me.
Paciamor Siempre y Siempre,
Brandi...i hate that name.
Anonymous, at 29/5/05 1:32 PM
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