From the Source
As I sit here on the bed in room 214 of the governor's Inn waiting for my hair to dry, this seems an opportune time to see if I can unload all that's been happening to me. (As a side note, hotels with wireless internet access are the grooviest).
I'm not feeling the best right now; I've taken ill in some how or another involving my sinuses and throat... Though I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday.
So there was that day I spent watching Kenshin with Kari after she'd shown mom and I her family's baby sheep. Lambs are cute, samurai rock, and Kari is a dandy hostess.
.... My word... I don't even remember how long ago that was now...
Since then, I've been introduced to a local (to DSU) auto repair shop to discover that it was the bearings wearing out on my front, right tire that had been making funny noises. Not to costly, so it was okay. But then a couple weeks later I had to take it back find out that the trasmition was on it's last legs... That really wasn't okay... Though it was better to have it die when it did, rather than half way to North Dakota
So Kim and I borrowed the family minivan to roadtrip up to N.D. to see long-not-seen-friend, Calless who was to meet us at the Space Aliens Grill and Bar where we would eat before going to see VeggieTails Rockin' Tour live!! 'twas an awesome weekend. (I fell in love with the Veggies all over again [and was re-inspired me to work for people that make things to teach and amuse children with silly talking vegitables {Yeah, I spelled that wrong, but I'd rather write this than go through the spell check again after misclicking the first time.}])
... I'm tired now... I'll talk about Source tomorrow
At least sleepy Kevin posts little blurbs. Sleepy Kim has not even that much energy.
Kim, at 9/4/06 8:25 PM
Totally Awesome Concert! WOOT!
Althoyugh my piuctures aren't to great. but still awesome!
Anonymous, at 13/4/06 12:28 AM
My NEW SHOES arrived today! I'm wearing my new shoes today! I finally have new shoes! My new shoes came today!!
Anonymous, at 13/4/06 9:00 PM
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