Transmition inturupted...
Special Notice: settings have changed on this blog; you no longer have to be a member of this blogging service to comment on the things I say.
There have been so many peopole involved in my life lately! It's a wonderful change of pace from the way things were durring the school year.
Actually, work is still kind of lonely, but its the kind where there are still people all around. It's not that the pace is so intence that we can't talk to eachother... it's that the guys I work with live in a different word. ...Someone asks if anyone else is going fishing this weekend; I stay quiet while someone else answers so my geeky plans of Anime don't get laughed at.... People talk about how they can't wait to go home and have a beer; I keep quiet so no one has to be offended that I don't even like the concept of beer.....
A couple days later, I find these few paragraphs still sitting, waiting to be posted... depressed myself and decided to just go to bed. There was a happy part comming, but I'll put that in my next post.
You may not agree with their choices in "extracaricular activites", but you share a common bond. You all work at Daktronics, so reaching out to them will be a little easier.
Not everyone is open to those who don't participate in drinking or "women". God wants us to love everyone, and reach out to those that are lost.
If you keep to yourself, putting it rather bluntly, their souls will be lost forever. I'm not saying that you are the only one to reachout to them, but you need to work your part of God's body.
Now that I have posted too much for anyone's good. I'm going to go and find something to do besides rant on here. n.n
Yours always,
Ali, at 2/6/05 1:56 PM
Anime is awsome and Beer sucks, your how old and you never had alcohol? THAT RULES!!!
I would like to extend my hand and tell you that I too at age 22 have never had an alcoholic beverage and plan on not consuming any mind altering things like alcohol or drugs in the future :).
There are those of us buddy. We are not odd, just care for different things. I think I heard that you did like Lego toys and Turtles ;) thaose are always fun.
you take care
chevelleman69, at 3/6/05 12:24 AM
Godless savage that I am, I concur. Not with the embodiment of God comments, but with the geekiness, turtles, Legos, anti-alcohol, common ground...things.
Peace and Love,
Anonymous, at 4/6/05 9:26 AM
Hey this blog is not about bed
I have been doing hours of research on "Ajustable-Bed" and it brought me to your blog on Transmition inturupted.... Anyways, ~Kevin I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.
Keep blogging away :-)
Anonymous, at 21/1/06 3:49 PM
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