The happy part
My coworkers really aren't as bad as it sounded last time.... It's just so hard to find common ground with 'the average guy'. Though as it turns out, one of the guys there grew up in Madison (SD) where I'm currently going to college, and he has a friend who lives in Winfred! Who must be one of the other 15 people who live there. I could very nearly feel God pushing me toward him and saying, "See? You can find common ground to build on if you look for it!"
Last Friday
I was awakened just in time to have a quick breakfast before going to see Star Wars again; 'twas with my family this time as my parents had not yet seen it. I remember watching it with a little different attitude this time. [SPOILER ALERT] I sympathized pretty heavily with Anikin and his fear of losing Padme the first time I saw it. I focused more on the fact that I knew what he sas doing was wrong, and that I'm pretty sure he knew it was wrong too. I won't change myself for anyone. (Or hide myself. Thanks for encouraging comments last time!) Not even Alicia. (and I know she wouldn't want me to either! n_n) I think it was kind of funny, in a sad sort of way, that it was Anikin's choice to try and save her that led him down the very path that broker her heart and took away her will to live... so sad...
boy I side-track easily
Anywho, after the movie, ... I think I napped... Kari got ahold of me to finalize anime sharing plans for later in the weekend... I'm a little fuzzy on what happened until later, because it was still pretty early in the day for me.
So then Amanda came over to help Kim with her car which has "special needs." Then the three of us went to Wal-mart. On the way, Brandi spotted Amanda's car as it passed the gas station she and Candice happened to be at and proceded to use her cellphone to track us down. We proceded to hang out and dig through bins of old/cheep movies. I found a Jumanji DVD, one of my old favorites I'd always meant to get a copy of but never did. made me happy. Then I celebrated my first paycheck of the summer by picking up Pikmin2! I wound up playing it long into the night. Not a strain on my schedule at all.
I slept a lot. I don't remember being very alert until evening.
I called Ross to see if he was interested in joining us the next day for Anime watching. We wound up talking for well over an hour, which was really cool since I can't remember the last time I'd really gotten a chance to catch up with him.
getting up for chuch was rough... Bethel had just started its summer schedule, which meant that I had to be up only a few hours after I'm used to going to bed. We were a little late thanks to my slowness...
Lunch at Burger King: I got several of this week's Jawa toys because Alicia thinks they're the cutest things in the Star Wars universe. I felt much warm fuzzy-ness in watching her smile and squeal with delight at them ^_^ I was also just generally happy to see her again after her two week journey to South Carolina. Since I hadn't been there, she brought some of the ocean back to me! Sand, shells, and some sea water in sealed container thingies! Isn't that precious?!
Anywho, shortly after she arived, we departed to pick up christa and head to watertown and watch part of the Anime collection that Kari had so graciously decided to share. On the way out of town, we were about to go right past the home of Brandi, when I remembered a recent blog posting of hers that pleaded for people to come kidnap her. So we scooped her up as well!
What now? Where was I? got distracted for a couple hours there... Pikmin again.
Kari was a wonderful hostes; the Anime was good ('Full Metal Alchemist' and 'Full Metal Panic' are now among my favorites! [Spiral was pretty good too.]); the pizza was tasty; and a chair was broken, but Kari took it pretty well. Much fun was had overall ^_^
slept pretty late again. Grandma was already here by the time I dragged myself out. After a quick breakfast, I returned the phonecall that Tucker had made at a more reasonable waking up time. He'd hoped to invite me over for a little gaming -- a no go with Grandma visiting, of course -- but I was granted permission to reverse the invitation, so I got to have dinner with everyone!
Later that evening, I introduced him to Pikmin and beat him soundly! ... well, at least when he wasn't doing the same to me...
Tuesday on through today
I worked. I got to know people a little better (as mentioned above).... mostly I sleep when I'm not working. 10 hours of work doesnt leave time for much else.
After work yesterday, I stopped by HyVee in search of donughts for next morning's breakfast (had to settle for not as cheep chocolate chip muffins) and got to see Brandi. Went home, did bedtime preparations, saw that it was raining quite heavily, sat back and admired the pretty stormyness, remembered that Brandi was due to get off work soon and didn't have a car, drove back to offer her a ride home.
slept late again. Was awakened with the news that Alicia had stopped by, and would try again after her Wal-Mart adventures. There was much rejoicing, hugging and Pikmin bashing. Then she left to have dinner at home, which sadened me...
Later, Amber called! In responce to a happy birthday message I'd left her a couple days ago. We got to chat and catch up. Made me happy ^_^
good friends, good times, good grief that took a long time to write about.
Good night and may God bless y'all
Cute precious! *blushes horribly at his comments* I love you too.
Hon, when you wake up today, give my cell a call. I have to work til 1:30pm and have nothing planned. If you are thinking of visiting, and my cell's not working check my house. n.n
Love you always,
Ali, at 4/6/05 9:19 AM
BRANDI - I feel the need for...comment. Your blog said "1 comments" and that is improper grammar, thus I felt the need to correct its heathen...ness. Yeah, like that.
Be careful, grasshopper, for her name is CandAAAAAAAAce. She's an "ace" of a pal...not an "ice." Whatever that would be, I dunno.
Anonymous, at 4/6/05 9:35 AM
BRANDI - *sarcasm...duh*
Wait a minute! You two love each other? I just thought you were conjoined twins or something! Wow, I have an all-new perspective on your kissing thing now.
*mox own stupidididity*
Anonymous, at 4/6/05 9:37 AM
ever seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? its kind of old but its still good, you take care
chevelleman69, at 4/6/05 1:37 PM
I once bought the Neon Genesis Evangelion movie, and loved watching it, but I don't really understand the story behind it. Though, I'm not really surprised since I've heard it is common to not understand.
Ali, at 6/6/05 10:03 AM
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