Cinderella Man is my hero
I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I aggreed to go with my sister and Liz to see Cinderella Man this afternoon.... no, it was evening by then. Anyway, I was absolutly blown away. I can't remember the last time I saw something that was so... so... real. This man was a real hero fighting for a real cause; his own family. Never in my life had I cared so much about the outcome of a boxing match (because it was about so much more than the boxing)
My sister compaired it to Seabiscut, which means I really want to see that sometime soon. I wasn't interested when it first came out because I assumed it was about the horse and the race. Makes me glad I didn't know the story behind Cinderella Man, or I might have lost interest in this one too. Real love, real hope, real friends. That's what this movie is all about and what I believe God intended life to be about.
That's enough movie plugging for now. I'll probably rant some more on it later after more of y'all have had a chance to see it.
So anywho, what else has been going on? ...
Passed up a chance to go gaming with Brandon, Tucker and I don't know who else... feeling kinda down and not feeling like going out. Didn't get the chance to just mope around though since I got unexpectedly caught up in and brightened up by Bambi of all things. I had forgoten that I really liked it and how cute it was. Heh. I used to be affraid to admit things as being cute, especially where it might relate to me. but not anymore, thanks to Alicia for bringing that out in me. ^_^. Anywho, Amanda later came over to watch Around the World in 80 Days. Not the best movie I've seen but hardly the worst. I think it tried a little to hard to be silly.
Then there was work. work was okay. Three out of the four days I got paired off with Nikki, the only female in out department who started about a week later than i did. She's pretty cool, but a tad quiet, which I can totally relate to.
Um... slept really late today... watched Cinderella Man .... stayed up late goofing off online and watching Anime music videos on my computer... wanted to sort out the ones I can delete and clear space on my hard drive, 'cause they take up a lot of it. I'll have to burn them to disk or something, 'cause they're all pretty good.
I'm determined to make one of my own this summer........ and I'm gonna go sleep now.
good night/morning/whatever to all of you
Yay for the Cinderella Man! Woot! And yay for Kevum! He blogged!
Kim, at 11/6/05 10:17 PM
my cat will not stop MEOWING!
Dear scones on a platter, save us!
NOISE and Love,
Anonymous, at 12/6/05 7:21 AM
Hope you can see Sea Biscuit Soon, it will just add the effects that Cinderella Man portrayed. Take care, it was fun seeing you yesterday. (Your shirt was funny) ;)
Take care
chevelleman69, at 12/6/05 10:49 AM
Bambi used to be one of my favorite Disney movies, along with Lady and the Tramp. Thumber is co cute...though half the time I'm not sure if he's male or female.
Cinderella Man, Seabuiscut (sp?), and Madagascar are some movies I want to see with you. The first two because they are supposed to be really good, and the last because I want to see the psycho penguins with you.
Ali, at 12/6/05 11:39 AM
yay! so i hear we're going to a music fest in Orange City together. Yayness! you're gonna have fun hanging out with your sister and her friend (namely, me). Foolish Things and Remedydrive and ApologetiX are playing. Woot.
Dianna, at 12/6/05 5:49 PM
I'll have to check out Cinderella Man AND Seabiscuit now... Oh! you should check out Mr. and Mrs. Smith... it's the funny. Loads of action, but not a lot of nudity, profanity, or bloodshed. Oh, did I mention it was funny?
*wink* oh yeah, I have a blog now too....
Fitz, at 20/6/05 8:38 AM
you should update.
*nudge nudge*
tell all about this weekend like Kim and I did. Yay.
Dianna, at 20/6/05 5:03 PM
Oh, hush. Like I'm gonna quit blogging just because I'm slow at it.
~Kevin, at 23/6/05 4:36 AM
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