Increasingly, it seems that the suggestion of the supernatural keeps popping up around me (anyone else see Numb3rs tonight?). It started a little over two weeks ago when my photography assignment had been reformatted.
In honor of DSU's 125th trip around the sun, each of the buildings on campus was doing some kind of special project to commemorate the event. Now, art majors like myself find most of our classes being taught in Beadle hall, which is supposedly haunted by the ghost of General Beadle himself. Because my digital photography class is part of the 4/5ths of my classes to be taught in this building, we were to create a ghostly image of a photo of some part of Beadle hall; these images would be on display during the festivities.
This assignment got Dr. Jones talking about another, more "in depth" project. (Or maybe this was the day before in the other class I have in the Mac lab with Dr. Jones [actually, I'm pretty sure he's just a professor, but I couldn't pass up the random, unrelated reference. {that and I have too much fun making nested parenthetical statements.}])
He was planning to take a group of students (volunteers) into Beadle hall late on a Friday night with flashlights and cameras and audio recorders to see what they could find. Initially, I volunteered, thinking it was gonna be some goofy, fun thing. Surely no one here actually believed in... then the stories started.. (it must have been the day before, I remember now that I was already uncomfortable when I got the photo assignment)
First were a couple of tales about Beadle hall: a clock 'jumping'/falling off the wall and startling a janitor, lights that had been off when the building was locked up found to be on the next day. Easy enough to dismiss, but... Then my fellow students began to talk/reminisce... Some were tales from friends, some were personal experience. A couple included a sighting of an actual figure...
Now, I'd never really thought much about it before, but with the recent re-awakening of my faith it really set me to thinking. There is no room in that faith for 'ghosts.' Even before Googling it, I knew there was a command somewhere about not trying to communicate with the dead.
Where was I going with this.... um.. right.
So, I'm not willing to believe that the human spirit is resilient enough to resist following the light on it's own (or whatever happens). I mean, what was the point of Jesus coming to defeat death for us if we could do it on our own?
With this in mind, the only thing that really fits is the work fallen angels. They alone have both the motive, opportunity, and ability to confuse us about what happens after death.
It's an idea that seems like it's been hiding in the back of my mind, but finally pulled out far enough to really explain it to myself.
While watching Numb3rs tonight, these thoughts came flooding back to me as I tried to suspend my disbelief enough to accept that most characters were accepting the efforts of the psychic guest star. I wonder now, who exactly is whispering in his ear? Who's putting vague images in his head?
I Googled my thoughts about half way through this and found someone who did a much better job of backing his information up than me (Martin, Gary).
I also find it interesting that my fingers have been missing their mark on the keyboard more than usual tonight, and that I've been distracted several times (like, a tad more than usual), and that after hiding my other programs to reduce this distraction I suddenly find myself with a bit of a headache... I find it hard to take as mere coincidence, when I know there are supernatural beings that don't want this information out there.
...I'm curious now, how distractable you readers become on this one.