Good Friends
Thanks guys for all your comments ^_^ It just blew me away that there are already 6 comments on that last post only the day after. Y'all should know tha each of you contributed to my feeling warm and fuzzy and loved inside!
(No... Skippy doesn't really stand for anything. Levi just overheard someone using it in the break room and decided that I was an appropriatly happy and skippy person; so he applied it to me.)
One of you mentioned that this is a popular blog... does that mean that there are even more of you out there? reading along but not saying a word? speak up!
Anywho, this was day two of recovering from a nasty week at work. Normally, I actually enjoy my job, for the most part. But the intense heat that struck for three days in a row in a building where only certian rooms are air conditioned.... it became an experience to survive. I was more grateful than ever for the gatorade cooler that our department has. By Thursday, I was really dragging, often going out of my way to linger in front of fans.
This was to be the weekend of the campout... Until distant family members decided to gather in the more-near city of Deluth MN.... except that I didn't go to either because I was so utterly exausted from surviving Heat Week at DakTron... I feel bad on both counts because both involve people that I don't get to see very often.
Though it's pretty clear that I wouldn't have been good company this weekend in either case. I slept until 4 in afternoon. both today and yesterday. too late to really considder visiting the campsite....
I made contact with Jay instead; wound up hanging out at his place for a couple hours and got aquanted with a few other people who he'd discovered were interested in gaming. People that I'll be playing with on a regular basis if all goes well. (I'm a little nervous about it, mostly becase I've often tried but always failed to make enough time in my life to role play adequetly.) Tomorrow will be day one of our D&D campain! We plan to meet on a weekly basis ^_^
So then I suddely realize that my cell phone is still in the car, which would prevent Kim from letting me know when she was getting done for work. And indeed, I had missed her call. I excused myself, established contact with Kim and Amanda, procured a pizza, and returned home for a showing of The Phantom of the Opera. I hadn't expected the emotional rollercoaster that came with it... blew me away. (I'll need to let it sink in a bit more before I blog a review of it.)
Well, now! it really is easier when I have only a day or two to record! Whoops! there goes my sarcasm alarm...
Time to call it a night. I've got to get up for church in precious few hours...
haha! let me be the first to comment on this one, since I was the last on the last one ;)!
Phantom of the Opera is amazing... it's an incredible story and music is fabulous~ hopefully it will find it's way into my dvd collection.
You are very much loved and I'm glad that you are making friends. I know how hard it is when you are working bizarre hours and a lot. All you really feel like doing is crashing and sleeping forever... or maybe that's just me. I unfortunately, had to miss two precious events this weekend too. The Kampout, and my Great-Uncle Virgil came from Oregon to stay in Salem this weekend. Since he is fading fast, this may be the last time I see him before the Good Lord brings him into his company. Hopefully I'll be able to run down there next week sometime to say hello.
Greetings from the Northland!
Fitz, at 26/6/05 4:19 PM
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Ali, at 26/6/05 10:24 PM
We didn't really do a lot over the camping trip, which suited me fine since I was really in the mood to relax and hang out. If you had came around four, it would have been fine, we were lazy-basies most of the time.
I'm glad that you had the chance to hang with Jay yesterday. He's a neat person, and it's sooooooooo cool to find people that are christians AND playl DnD. I know a lot of people really don't like playing it because of some elements in the game aren't exactly "friendly". n_n
For some reason I just don't like Phantom of the Opera, I don't know why. Not even the music. n_n; I respect the fact that some really do love it and would like to buy the cd soundtrack, but it's not my bag. n_n
Love'ya much,
Ali, at 26/6/05 10:27 PM
woot for Skippy.
There's really no point to this comment. I just felt like calling you "Skippy" again.
Dianna, at 27/6/05 6:52 PM
menah. interesting and cool. *HUG* hello, Kevin *waves*
P.S. If ALICIA can see this or can be informed by someone seeing this, she ought to know that I am still quite dis-allowed from commenting on her blog. I'm not a blog member, thus I must use "anonymous." Kim, Kevin, I know you can direct her if need be.
Anonymous, at 29/6/05 8:08 AM
An eventful week sounds like Skippy, I know the heat is something very few people take easily. I being once of those very odd few, did not care for the 115 degree index we had in St. Peter last week for work. So in that respect I am absolutely with you. As for cooling off well that is still something of a challenge, but if I find a dairy queen I can usually remedy it. Ice cream always hits the spot for me.
Side note: for all that read this here Skippy's blog I have a prayer request. Tiffany, a close friend of mine had a an elderly neighbor pass away this past weekend. Gene was almost a grandfather to her and she is taking it very very hard. I would humbly ask for your prayers for her. She really needs God's help in sustaining her and carrying her throught this very trying time.
THank you ever so much
chevelleman69, at 29/6/05 7:06 PM
Right-o Jesse, I can surely pray for Tiffany and I hope Gene knew who Jesus Christ was. If he did, and Tiffany does too, they may just see each other again what a reassuring thought!
Fitz, at 29/6/05 7:21 PM
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