This is gonna be pretty short due to the onset of a cold that has sapped a large portion of my energy, but I feel this needs to be writen before I have the chance to forget..
So every Wednesday night up here on the 4th floor of my dorm is movie night. One of the guys down the hall has an online poll where we can vote on which movie to watch. I know there is a fairly hight concentration of my fellow Christians who attend, so I was pretty surprized to see that Wedding Crashers had won the vote. But that's not really what bothered me. I don't expect my non-Christian friends to follow the same standards.
What really got me was how many of of these Christian friends still came, knowing full well what they were about to see. I consider several of them to be fairly prominant members of our local InterVarsity Christian Felowship group...
Something inside me just snapped when they started to arrive. I went through a rapid shift from grogy cold symptoms to full blown furry. How could anyone who believes/follows the God who wants us to stay pure and to treat His gift of sex with honor and respect.... How could you have that belief and allow yourself to sit through a movie that goes so far away from His standard?! Why should you even show tolerance for it?! That is NOT the standard God set for us. Eph. 5:3
I overheard someone on her cellphone telling someone that she didn't really want to watch the movie. I wanted to get in her face and ask her why she even came! ....but I've never been good at that kind of thing.. plus she was on the phone.. and I lost my nerve when she hung up and darted around the corner before I could follow...
I think that's when I really started to boil over... I mean, with so many known Christians in that audience, what were they telling the rest of the room about their God? Doesn't that sugest that He doesn't mind?
I really believe that God was wronged last night. So many of His people sitting through and tollerating that movie is a silent message that He's a lax God that doesn't really care. Or that He's not important or reliable enough to listen to. And if this is the image we project, why should we expect anyone else to care?
(sounds like I'm ranting, doesn't it? not really no. In the words of John Ruben, "I'm not trying to be a nusance, I just think we can do better than this.")
So my non-confrontational self stepped outside of my comfort zone and scribbled a quick note and dropped in the lap of a good friend who I knew was comprimising her beliefs. ...That is after stopping to talk to someone else who was staying away from the movie to get a little encouragement.. I was hoping to give one to the girl I'd overheard earlier, but I chickened out because she was pretty deep in the crowd..
But still, it was a rush for me. An incredible feeling doing what I believed was right, and reminding a friend to do the same. (remember my earllier posts on being true to who I am? ;) ) And I know it was also a response to God's prodding me.
Last night was a big step for me, and I'm looking forward to making a lot more like it and streatching myself ever further!
I guess that wasn't very short.... oh well. It feels good to put it out there.