Time for Me
I don't care how selfish it sounds, this weekend is for me. I'm not going even the least bit out of my way for anybody. I don't care who gives me a hard time....
*I get to hang with my sister this weekend, because I'm finally not going anywhere or doing anything... Which is how I spent this last hour instead of writing in this blog! ..... and then I made myself dinner and popped in Titan A.E..... thought I could blog while I watched, but alas, I should know myself better than that.
now where was I? ah yes.... I'm burnt out.
The Brookings Arts Festival was a couple weeks ago now... had a good time. got to hang out with friends I'd not seen in what seems like quite a while. even though they (nearly) all live right here in town. Spent the entire weekend there... well, as soon as I was able to wake up on Saturday, which was actually pretty early for me, because it was still what most others in this time zone would call morning. and of course, I got up early again the next day for church. I was the one and only Kinder in attendance, because the rest of the family had already gotten up and gone back to help Mom with her booth at the festival. I didn't get to see as many people at the festival on Sunday, which was okay, because I was starting to wear out, made evident when we began to pack up to go home. Kim, Amanda, and I all got progressivly more loopy throughout the process. Not sure how wise it was to stay up that extra bit to watch Indipendence Day with them. Especialy since I didn't think it was that great... It's late, so I won't get opinionated this time. I also got to see the Fantastic 4 that Saturday. Looking back on it... the effects were spetacular, but... there were several elements that flat out bothered me, in the humor and in the story... but my sister would say that I'm digressing
(Side note: Mom did really well selling paintings this year. YAY!)
so yeah... It was a good weekend, but rather the opposite of restful. I pressed on through another week of work. Got to see Jon and Amber on a double date with my [insert sappy adjective here] Alicia the following Saturday. Or rather, I met the three of them in Sioux Falls when I was finnally able to wake up and make myself presentable. (note: I still had not fully recovered from ArtFest weekend and had been unable to sleep the previous night) After dinner, we all went to the Jazz Fest where some spiffy music was played and expensive drinks were served. Things went pretty late, which was fine by me, but we were all ready for bed when we got back to Alicia's. Jon and I crashed on sofas downstairs. I presume the ladys found themselves beds upstairs.
The next day began with chuch at West Center of Madison, where I got to see more friends I've not seen since school let out. then there was lunch at pizza ranch, a creepy movie back at Al's (the ending was a dissapointment), and being talked into a wedding shower for a couple of Alicia's high school friends. I tollerated being there for about an hour (a single party game) before I excused myself. please know: I was utterly exhausted at this point and had no intention of blowing off or ignoring anybody I just wanted to drive home while I thought I still could.
It was on that drive home that I decided, I've pushed myself far to far. I need a weekend for me. All of it. to recover my strength, to vent my creative build-up, etc. If anyone tries to talk my out of it, I'll just skip merrily away with my fingers in my ears. I doubt I'll even get out of the house, and I couldn't be happier n_n.
I'm tired now.
good night
weekends to yourself are good things. rock on, kev.
Dianna, at 24/7/05 1:20 PM
That's just precious, about the skipping merrily on with your fingers in your ears.
Can I ask a favor then? Can you baby me this weekend and come visit, since I've been doing it all summer (except for once). n_n Please? <3
*takes a nap*
Ali, at 25/7/05 1:16 PM
1. Crack of noon is hardly "early."
2. Arts Festival rocked all...I have MANY pictures!! bwuahaha!
3. Exhaustion and never happifying self? Story of my life, too.
Brandi exists...somewhat. Her cell ALWAYS exists, either personally answered or by message-leaving.
Anonymous, at 27/7/05 10:44 AM
enjoyment came when I got to see the kevinator that weekend *haven't seen the kevinator since Al's baptism *
I understand (if anyone since I too am a worker of night hours) the effects of lack of sleep... and needing time for self. you take that time for you kevinator... you take it. :D
Fitz, at 27/7/05 9:05 PM
Hey, Marvin!
You should post again, Marvin!
Anonymous, at 31/7/05 1:52 AM
Does Skippy actually read his comments on his blogs? It doesn't seem like he has on this one... I wonders... yesh... I wonders...
Fitz, at 31/7/05 3:23 PM
oh, ye of little faith
~Kevin, at 7/8/05 11:36 PM
oh, and would you like me to bring you that spoon?
~Kevin, at 7/8/05 11:38 PM
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