so utterly distractable....
How many weeks has it been now since I posted here? We won't count... I'm sure it would be too depressing.
Grandma has improved quite a bit since last time. She's been back at home for a little over a week now. It's still gonna be a while until she's back at full power, but she's steadily improving all the time :)
Back at DSU now, getting back into the study groove... In a way, it's like I never left; I'm back in the same 4th floor room with the same nifty people living down the hall and less of the not so nifty folk who played loud music late at night! I'm reconnecting with the same friends I'd hang out with in the TC. Finding it just as hard to keep my dorm clean, to resist puttering around online when I could be updating my blog or sleeping. Of course, part of that is left over from being on the night shift all summer.... but not entirely... yeah... I'm human and make mistakes on a regular basis... moving on....
The best thing of all about this semester is the utter lack of evening classes. This means that I finnally get to return to the weekly large-group meatings of InterVarsity Christian Felowship!! (a.k.a. Impact) There were a lot of new faces at last week's meating, the first of the year. I didn't even recognize the MC's of the evening.... but at last, the reconnection process can begin.
It's been great to see everyone again, hanging out with all the people I never seemed to have time for last year. Hopefully, I can hang on to some of this when homework gets thicker later on. (You know it will.... it always does...)
LifeLight weekend passed fairly uneventfully for me this year; I spent most of it just taking it easy on campus. I almost didn't go this year. But in a near-last-minute decision, Alicia and I journeyed to Sioux Falls just in time to hear the final performance of the Supertones in the state of South Dakota.
During this performance, I spoted my sister and her roomie on the Jumbo Electronic Display Thingie. Sadly, this was all I got to see of them because I had foolishly neglected to bring my cell phone with me... This also inhibited tracking down several other friends I had hoped to meet at the festival.... By sheer luck, we stumbled across Jon on the way to see Foolish Things at the Firehouse stage, so it was not a total tragedy.
After wandering the festival a bit with Jon, Al and I decided we'd had enough, got dinner and retreated to Madison. I think I'm getting too old for this kind of thing...
Jumping forward in time, this last weekend was a lot of fun too. I fled Madison early Friday afternoon to meet my folks in Brookings from whence we departed for the distant land of Aberdeen. My uncle Allan was to display his l33t p1an0 skillz in a recital that evening. It was fantastic. I'd never been able to make it to any of his recitals before and was really impressed. As an added bonus, many other fun relatives from Mom's side of the family were there as well. (We spent a good deal of Saturday afternoon with them as well, visiting just a bit more family who happened to live in the area...... I only wish I knew more of there names......)
Another uber-groovy part of the weekend was getting to see my good friend Amber again. I really don't get to see much of her since she transfered away. Not many of us DSU folk do.... Seems I am only the 2nd one to see her new home (which is a really nice place) that she's known from this area. Her boyfriend, Jon was the first. ... and she's been in that house for a while now....
Unfortunatlly, since we had family plans, we didn't get to stay very long...
Hmm.... was gonna talk about all my new classes, but it's getting late.... maybe tomorrow....
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Anonymous, at 12/9/05 12:06 AM
um...what the Nigerian Fudgecicle is that anonymous person talking about!?
Anonymous, at 12/9/05 11:40 AM
I hate blog spam. It's just SICK! *blasts mr/ms anonymous poop head off of her hon's blog comment area*
*discreet cough* I didn't know you were able to see Amber in Aberdeen this past weekend? I'd like to see her place sometime, but I don't know that'll happen. ;.;
Ali, at 13/9/05 12:39 AM
THE 1 year, 2 months, and 16 days (?) ANNIVERSARY of Brandi's RETURN from Spain...
*sigh, pout*
Anonymous, at 15/9/05 11:03 AM
CHRISTA turns 85 YEARS on 9-24
Anonymous, at 21/9/05 6:35 PM
*does the Kevin needs to update because Dianna likes reading his blog and is rather upset that he hasn't updated since flippin'*
update, pwease?
Dianna, at 4/10/05 6:46 PM
It was lovely seeing you that day... and your parents... you should do it again sometime :) And I'm sorry for calling you a jerk. Cuz you aren't. I was just mad. That you couldn't come again. Yeah.
Fitz, at 25/10/05 10:17 AM
Kevin is a fuzzy silly-head who doesn't post often enough. But we love him anyway! :D
Kim, at 29/10/05 7:17 PM
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