can't say I didn't try
My culture makes me sad. If not for my faith, I'd harden into a block of hoplessness.... sometimes it's hard not to anyway...
What kind of society allows crude one-liners and foul language to saturate our various mediums of entertainment to the point where 1st graders are picking it up? What kind of culture finds bikini tops to be acceptable attire for the grocery store or tourist shops?
Saw a t-shirt at work yesterday with a Mark Twain quote on the back: "Censorship is like telling a man he can't have steak because a baby can't chew it."
Well I've tried a couple of times now to start an actual post.... (see above) Having returned from a wonderful week at Judson, I find myself having to turn my internal clock back around again to go back to work. It's actually early Friday morning now after a Thursday night of work. And I'm to tired to do justice to the thoughts God gave me at camp.
Maybe after the wedding.
Untill then.... some random bits of life since the last post.
~My search for childhood favorite TV series' has led me to , which turned out to be a wonderful source. (I don't want the DVD rips they have, I just want the totally leagal, digitized TV recordings [though I can't say it's not tempting..])
~I've seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 3 times now. I absolutly love what Tim Burton has done with it. Especially the Oompa Loompas. I was also delighted to see squirrels instead of gooses. 'Twas far more true to the book than whoever was responsible for the first attempt.
~Alicia and I will have been together for 20 months this coming weekend! Even if I were awake, I wouldn't have words good enough.
Peace out, friends
*huggles!* Poor thing, society is serious getting insane. It's not about the steak, it's what you do with the steak. For instance, if you feel the need to not eat the steak but whap people with it, tha would be cause for not being given some. Though, of course even a kid knows not to whap people with meat products. (Unless of course your name is Alicia, who would take note of this and perhaps do it in the future to someone precious).
What wedding? You didn't tell me about any wedding. o_O
*HUGGLES* Please respond to the e-mails I've sent you to your pluto. It's getting kinda irritating. n.n;
I love you too hun. *huggles*
Ali, at 12/8/05 7:16 AM
that's what i get for blogging tired...
~Kevin, at 13/8/05 12:14 AM
to answer everyone's question: the wedding was that of my brother Marc and his now wife Carrie - the Kinders attended it and I was very happy to see them. I just thought i'd abate the confusion.
And Kevin, y'know, the only thing we can do about society is try to share the good news with them. If everyone knew what it meant to follow God, we wouldn't have these huge problems. Thankfully, one day, everyone WILL obey God. Yesss, looking forward to that!
Dianna, at 13/8/05 10:27 PM
Thanks for abating for me, Die. I also find you other words to be encouraging.
I'd intended to go on to talk about subtler problems that just seem to get overshadowed by ones I mentioned. "At-least-I'm-not-that-bad" A disgustingly luke-warm attitude that lets not so good things into the minds and lives of otherwise good people, Christian people even.
~Kevin, at 14/8/05 1:04 AM
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