No Rush
I've got my own pace. I think I've finally come to terms with that. I may have said that before, but I'm pretty sure I really mean it this time. It doesn't give me time for much else beyond school, and I'm okay with that for now. I get time now and then to hang out with people, make and develop friendships here and there.
And then I need time to myself too; I need more than what I've been giving myself this past.... who knows how long. I've tried to be there for my friends as often as I could muster.
It's been said that I'm too nice for my own good, and my recent burnout is the best indication yet.
I may always be a little behind everyone else; I probably won't do as much fun stuff with my friends as the rest of the world. And I don't care anymore. If this is who I am, I'm going to accept it. And hope everyone else will. (Unrealistic, but I know that a lot of people will)
Hmm... A little shorter than most of my posts, but I'm gonna pay more attention to myself and put me to bed now.
*Thumbs up* It will be a little disappointing when you can't go and so some of the little fun things, but I totally understand. I've done that a lot with the Citco runs, just because that's insane.
I am glad that you have come to terms with the way that you are. It's not a bad thing to be slower than the rest of the world, the world is too fast anyway!
*huggles and see you soon!* PS I bought CANDY !
Ali, at 12/1/06 10:06 AM
i can sooo identify with the stuff on tv... i dont no what the indian population in where you live is or whether you have seen a hindi movie...but it is sooo irritating...i mean if they are showing it on Indian my chem teachers is the height of everything...i mean is this what entertainment has been reduced to...hindi movies used to have people running around trees and the humour used to be funny. if u have seen american pie u no what i mean... it is not even is just is needed in small doses but to have nothing but that is slightly extreme i mean have u ever seen an episode of mind ur was like so so brilliant. the brilliance defied far as kids watching go i cannot watch a single movie with my eight yearold sis and pg thirteen stuff should actually be like unrated or pg eighteen or whatever i mean whatever happened to SMART HUMOUR that is actually funny twenty years down the line will friends be the height of smart comedy and will they think that american pie is the best movie ever made...will my kids grow up thinking that the height of humour is life as we knew it or whatever...i am such a self obsessed moron that it never occurred to me that people apart from me have blogs thanks for bringing me back to earth and in perfect time for my final exams if i might add... this is probably weird and i dont know why i am telling you and not your sister...i guess because it sounds so fake and cosmetic...and if i may add simpery... but i so totally identified with your sister and if i dont stop it will be longer than all your posts put togehter... it is weird and probably a little perverse but your sister is like an overgrown me...told you it sounded fake and meg caboty though why i think u will know who meg cabot is being a normal unique person is beyond me...ok i so have to stop
Anonymous, at 13/1/06 7:56 AM
I agree with who ever just posted that, since it's anonymous. I don't really watch much regular tv any more, I usually watch the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, CNN, or random anime that is mindless (but it's not dirty!).
*laughs* Yeah, Kevin's sister is younger than I but much more mature than me. She's cool!
Ali, at 13/1/06 4:06 PM
That must be 13 who posted that, am I right?
I'm glad it helped. It's funny, but digging it up for you seems to have helped me too.
Sad but true.. whatever is on TV seems to be accepted as the 'norm' or as nigh undeniable fact...
~Kevin, at 13/1/06 4:42 PM
yep, the novel was me...
TheCheshireCat, at 14/1/06 6:13 AM
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