pent up writings...
I think I've gone too long with out writing anything.... I just left a rather long comment at some random 13 year old girl's blog; and it felt good to have writen that much.
I've had a lot of things spinning round in my head lately that I haven't been sure how to deal with, especially in relation to my break up with Alicia... yeah, it's true that I've had doubts for a while about our future... I was scared... didn't want to think about it... It might sound selfish, but I just didn't want the added emotional strain so close to finals. And I knew it wouldn't help her any either, because I knew that she was really struggling to get everyithing done too... at least as much as I was... so i bottled it up... didn't talk about it... tried not to even think about it... just ... willed my way through that final week.
Then I totaly crashed... I was totally out of it for several days while i tried to recover from the days before. (I'd gotten about 6 hours total sleep between the last 2 days of that week.)
maybe I'm not ready to write about that yet....
[please stay calm. I will come back to it when i'm ready. I promise.]
So anyway, in my current emotional state something else just came spilling out of me that I've been wanting to vent about for quit a while... I think I'll just finnish out tonight's post with what I wrote earlier.
[caution: mature content]
Topic: I hate my culture
There was a talk radio program yesterday talking about decency on TV. it was focused on cable programing, but they brought up the way that plain ol' network television isn't being held accountable for its own violations... which I counted several tonight.. NCIS had so many suggestive moments... I was upset that it was coupled with such an intreging story. Though by the end... I wasn't very into it anymore anyway...
What is the big hang up with sex these days? Why is it that only the older and eccentric characters don't make it one of the main focuses of their lives? The only time it seems to raise an eyebrow is when a relationship is discovered that hasn't turned physical. I can't stand it anymore!
Sure, I know that it's like one of the most enjoyable experiences that the human body can experience, but why does our nightly entertainment have to be so SATURATED with it? Are we afraid that a higher level of humor would go over too many people's heads?
What ever happened to family friendly programming? Remember the days when television was amusing and/or entertaining without having to even talk about sex? Entire episodes! Family Matters, Boy Meets World, Step by Step, Home Improvement? And I'm pretty sure these shows are still on somewhere. I know there's still a market for these shows that is just as sick as I am as where todays sitcoms have gone.
Am I really in that small of a minority that television producers don't care what I want anymore? Or have we all just been too quiet about it.
They gave a measure of the ratings that the new Desperate Housewives series has been getting.. I forget the actual number of viewers they listed, but they calculated it out to be only about 9 or 10% of America's viewing population. Which means that *90%* of our country either didn't care, or had better things to do with our time/minds.....
I totally agree, tv has fallen into the mud and is sloshing about in it. Sadly I haven't noticed a lot of times when they do have suggestive comments and actions. This is partly due to my playging video games while "watching" tv, and partly cause I've gotten used to it.
I don't want to be used to it though. Sometime I'm going to write down the number of times that I see suggestive comments/actions/inuendos/hints when watching a show.
*huggles* I'm glad you wrote on your blog, it's been a while. :D
Ali, at 6/1/06 8:36 AM
wow... I wasn't sure anyone would respond that fast... thought everyone had given up checking on anywhere near a daily basis.. thank you
And no, we shouldn't have to be used to it. They ought to respect our tastes just as much as they want their own to be.
Have you seen any of the commercials for the upcoming series Love Monkey? One of them shows a woman taking her shirt of while sitting on top of the main character man... and I've seen this before 8 o'clock... Kids are still watching at this hour!
~Kevin, at 6/1/06 9:46 AM
I haven't checked yours in a while and was just updating mine. So when I was adding licks to my new blog (you have it right?) I saw your post (and what a post it was).
I agree with you on that of course. What did happen to the tv organizations that rated tv programs? It's like they took 15lbs of morphine and are taking the decade-infinity off.
I miss old programs that were humorous not raunchy humor! I want funny not disgustingly distrubing or morally bankrupt!
Yeah I've seen advertisements for that show. I like the idea that he's trying to find the right woman, but his methods are just .... dumb and lewd.
Ali, at 6/1/06 11:43 AM
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